We’re right in the throws of finishing off a truckload of new projects, but it’s been a while so I thought I’d take a while to update this poor, neglected blog with some recent work.
First off we’ve got DylanBland.co.nz, the blog of a New Zealand based entrepreneur. Dylan was one of the easiest clients I’ve ever worked with and I thoroughly look forward to the guided tour he’s promised me next time I’m in Auckland
Secondly, a rather prominent site, . and Chris Garrett (not me, the other one) are 2 of the biggest name’s in blogging, so when they asked us to design & build a site for their upcoming book we were more than happy to help them out!
Once again, Chris, Indranil and Dave did an awesome job and left us with two very happy clients Indranil unfortunately broke his leg a few weeks ago, so best wishes to him!